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Physical exercises.        Ethical education is an important part of elementary education. In 1988, the former State Education Commission promulgated and executed on a trial basis Outline of Ethical Education for Primary Schools and Outline of Ethnical Education for Middle Schools. They define the objectives, content, basic requirements, means, principle and method of execution of ethical education at the primary school, junior middle school and senior middle school stages. Means of ethical education includes: courses on ethics, ethical education in other courses, student participation in class and social activities, participation in public-interest activities, participation in the work of Young Pioneers, the Communist Youth League and student associations, and participation in rich and colorful extra-curriculum activities.

       The objectives of physical-health education are to enhance students' physical and mental health, strengthen their physique, enable them to gain basic knowledge on sports, foster in them the ability and habit to engage in sport activities, and foster in them discipline and courage. At the primary and middle school stage, students have three or


four physical culture periods every week. In addition, there are setting-up exercises during the break, eye-care exercises, extra-curricula physical training, and spring and autumn sports meets. Marks earned by a student in physical culture are included in his or her total academic scores. Full-time primary and junior Children are taught to pay attention to hygiene.middle schools all offer music and fine arts courses.

       The Chinese government pays great attention to the fundamental art education. How to promote the art education of juvenile has developed into a key issue of each relevant department. In current China, no matter the kindergarten, junior school or high school have all set art courses of music and painting. Juvenile palaces and art training classes can be found nationwide. For instance, in the famous Children Activity Center of Beijing Juvenile Palace, there perennially set dancing class, musical instruments class, painting class, etc. By the same time, thousands of families have attached great importance on the art education for their children and the investment on art education accrued more and more. Sending children to the music or painting art training classes has become a new fashion in those wealthy Chinese families.
